3 MYTHS About Freelancing
People are often mistaken in their opinion about working distantly as a freelancer UAE. Someone thinks this is not a serious occupation, or consider it a temporary replacement for real work.
Today I would like to talk about the main myths about freelancing.
Myth № 1. In freelancing there is no possibility to earn much.
Some people think that working as a freelancer UAE is just a hobby. Many consider that this work is not serious.
Many do not perceive making money at the computer at home as a serious activity. In fact, working as a freelancer UAE, you have a real opportunity to earn much money!
But for achieving this you have to be a good specialist in your sphere and devote enough time to work as a freelancer UAE.
Myth № 2. Complete freedom.
Yes, it is partly true. Working as a freelancer UAE you have some freedom in distributing your time. You can make a weekend on Monday and Tuesday, and work on Sunday. You can do projects all night and sleep during the day.
But nevertheless you are dependent on your customers. And your income depends entirely on how productive you are. And there are always terms in which you need to be flexible.
Myth № 3. There is no development in freelance.
In fact, freelancing is one of the most suitable activities for development. To become a more or less successful freelancer UAE, you simply have to develop your skills: communication, ability to solve different problems, financial management, the ability to find the right information, advertising, etc. In freelancing UAE you are responsible for all processes, you need to constantly evolve, read, be in trend.
Also you should think about the topic of your financial growth as the job of freelancer UAE gives a lot of opportunities for multiplying your income several times. In freelancing UAE, this is quite realistic!